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Jephthah [An Atheist Reads the Bible – Ep. 3]

Posted by doctore0 on November 18, 2010

An atheist finds a Bible Hero commit the most vile act possible


3 Responses to “Jephthah [An Atheist Reads the Bible – Ep. 3]”

  1. Jon Steinar said

    Yet…though Judges tells of how the Israelite´s lost their morals being without Kings and control, it did not get better with kings either. The gore keeps on going on and on and on all the way through the book, but this time with the approval and help of the Gawd himself. Just as it were before the book of Judges. (as when gawd viped the Amalkites from the face of the earth, animals, women and children included…three times)
    Wonderful book.


  2. Josh: The Intelligent Atheist said

    Why is it that only an atheist makes sense?


  3. There’s even an oratorio (like an opera, but without sets and acting, usually without costumes or staging at all, generally a Biblical story) based on this story!


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